Kardiologie - Publikationen (Auswahl)

Performance of implantable loop recorders. Role of R vector and detection algorithms.
Kremer M, Nägele H, Gröne E, Stierle D, Rosenkranz M, Krause K, Nägele MP.
J Electrocardiol. 2021 Sep-Oct;68:101-108.

Tricuspid regurgitation is a predictor of mortality after percutaneous mitral valve edge-to-edge repair.
Yzeiraj E, Bijuklic K, Tiburtius C, Witt J, Krause K, Steude J, Hansen L, Rieß FC, Schofer J.
EuroIntervention. 2017 Feb 3;12(15):e1817-e1824.

TAVI:Vorgang individualisieren
Schofer J, Bijuklic K, Hansen L, Krause K, Witt J, Rieß FC.
Hamburger Ärzteblatt 01/2016

Dysfunction of an ICD –electrode due to the implantation of a vena cava-stent
Groene EF, Sieverding J, Krause K
J Cardiol Clin Res 2016 3(2): 1049

Increased Risk of Cerebral Embolization After Implantation of a Balloon-Expandable Aortic Valve Without Prior Balloon Valvuloplasty.
Bijuklic K, Haselbach T, Witt J, Krause K, Hansen L, Gehrckens R, Rieß FC, Schofer J.
JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2015 Oct;8(12):1608-11

Percutaneous, transendocardial injection of bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells in heart failure patients following acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction: ALSTER-Stem Cell trial.
Heeger CH, Jaquet K, Thiele H, Zulkarnaen Y, Cuneo A, Haller D, Kivelitz D, Schmidt T, Krause K, Metzner A, Schneider C, Kuck KH, Bergmann MW.
EuroIntervention. 2012 Oct;8(6):732-42. doi: 10.4244/EIJV8I6A113.

Slow Wall Motion Rather Than Electrical Conduction Delay Underlies Mechanical Dyssynchrony in Postinfarction Patients with Narrow QRS Complex.
Klemm HU*, Krause KT*, Ventura R, Schneider C, Aydin MA, Johnsen C, Boczor S, Meinertz T, Morillo CA, Kuck KH. (*gleichberechtigte Autorenschaft)
J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2010 Jan;21(1):70-7 

Endocardial electrogram analysis after intramyocardial injection of mesenchymal stem cells in the chronic ischemic myocardium.
Krause K, Schneider C, Lange C, Kokturk B, Boczor S, Geidel S, Salhi A, Alaser J, Zander AR, Kuck KH, Jaquet K.
Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. 2009 Oct;32(10):1319-28. Epub 2009 Aug 19.

German stereotaxis-guided percutaneous coronary intervention study group: first multicenter real world experience.
Krause K, Adamu U, Weber M, Hertting K, Hamm C, Kuck KH, Hoffmann R, Kelm M, Blindt R.
Clin Res Cardiol. 2009 Sep;98(9):541-7. Epub 2009 Jun 12.

Percutaneous intramyocardial stem cell injection in patients with acute myocardial infarction: first-in-man study.
Krause K, Jaquet K, Schneider C, Haupt S, Lioznov MV, Otte KM, Kuck KH.
Heart. 2009 Jul;95(14):1145-52. Epub 2009 Mar 30.

Percutaneous endocardial injection of erythropoietin: assessment of cardioprotection by electromechanical mapping
K. Krause, K. Jaquet, C. Schneider, S. Geidel, Chr. Mandel, K-H. Kuck
European J Heart Failure, 2006 8 443-450; Feb 6; (Epub ahead of print)

Kardioprotektion durch perkutane intramyokardiale Injektion von Erythropoeitin im hibernierenden Myokard
K. Krause, K. Jaquet, S. Geidel, C. Schneider, C. Mandel, W. Schiele,  M. Nauertz, H.-P. Stoll, M.-L. Schmeller, M. Lass, J. Ostermeyer,  K.-H. Kuck
Z für Herz-, Thorax- und Gefäßchir 2006 20:53-59

Analysis of progenitor cell mobilization and erythropoietin plasma levels in patients with acute myocardial infarction.
Krause K, Fehse B, Jaquet K, Lange C, Kyriazis K, Boczor S, Zander A, Kuck KH.
Exp Clin Cardiol. 2005 Summer;10(2):104-7.

Reduction of myocardial scar size after implantation of mesenchymal stem cells in rats: what is the mechanism?
Jaquet K*, Krause KT*, Denschel J, Faessler P, Nauerz M, Geidel S, Boczor S, Lange C, Stute N, Zander A, Kuck KH. (*gleichberechtigte Autorenschaft)
Stem Cells Dev. 2005 Jun;14(3):299-309.

Regional diastolic and systolic function by strain rate imaging for the
detection of intramural viability during dobutamine stress echocardiography in a porcine model of myocardial infarction
Schneider C, Jaquet K, Geidel S, Malisius R, Boczor S, Rau T, Zienkiewicz T, Hennig D, Kuck KH, Krause K 
Echocardiography. 2010 May;27(5):552-62.

Transplantation of Bone Marrow-Derived Stem Cells Improves Myocardial Diastolic Function: Strain Rate Imaging in a Model of Hibernating Myocardium.
Schneider C, Jaquet K, Geidel S, Rau T, Malisius R, Boczor S, Zienkiewicz T, Kuck KH, Krause K.
J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2009 Oct; 22(10): 1180-1189; Epub 2009 Jul 31. 

Attenuation of Cardiac Remodeling by Endocardial Injection of Erythropoietin: Ultrasonic Strain-Rate Imaging in a Chronic Myocardial Infarction Model
Schneider C, Malisius R, Jaquet K, Geidel S, Bahlmann E, Boczor S, Antz M, Kuck KH, Krause K.
Eur Heart J. 2007 Feb; 28(4): 499-509; Epub 2007 Jan 22

Use of the novel magnetic navigation system Niobe in percutaneous coronary interventions; the Hamburg experience.
Hertting K, Ernst S, Stahl F, Mathew S, Meulenbrug H, Reimers J, Kuck KH, Krause K.
EuroIntervention. 2005 Nov;1(3):336-9.

Persistent atrial fibrillation ablation concomitant to coronary surgery.
Geidel S, Lass M, Krause K, Schneider C, Boczor S, Kuck KH, Ostermeyer J, Schmoeckel M.
Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2011 Jun;59(4):207-12. Epub 2011 Mar 15.

Ablation surgery in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation: An 8-year clinical experience.
Geidel S, Krause K, Boczor S, Kuck KH, Lass M, Ostermeyer J, Schmoeckel M.
J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2010 Apr 26. [Epub ahead of print]

Limited immune modulating activity of porcine mesenchymal stromal cells abolishes
their protective efficacy in acute kidney injury
Brunswig-Spickenheier B, Boche J, Westenfelder C, Peimann F, Gruber AD, Jaquet K, Krause K, Zustin J, Zander A, Lange C
Stem Cells Dev. 2010 Feb 9. [Epub ahead of print]

Combined delivery approach of bone marrow mononuclear stem cells early and late after myocardial infarction: the MYSTAR prospective, randomized study.
Gyöngyösi M, Lang I, Dettke M, Beran G, Graf S, Sochor H, Nyolczas N, Charwat S, Hemetsberger R, Christ G, Edes I, Balogh L, Krause KT, Jaquet K, Kuck KH, Benedek I, Hintea T, Kiss R, Préda I, Kotevski V, Pejkov H, Zamini S, Khorsand A, Sodeck G, Kaider A, Maurer G, Glogar D.
Nat Clin Pract Cardiovasc Med. 2009 Jan;6(1):70-81. Epub 2008 Nov 11.

Intramyocardial transplantation of bone marrow-derived stem cells: ultrasonic strain rate imaging in a model of hibernating myocardium.
Schneider C, Krause K, Jaquet K, Geidel S, Malisius R, Boczor S, Rau T, Zienkiewicz T, Hennig D, Kuck KH.
J Card Fail. 2008 Dec;14(10):861-72. Epub 2008 Oct 11.

Early and late results of permanent atrial fibrillation ablation surgery in aortic valve and CABG patients.
Geidel S, Lass M, Krause K, Betzold M, Aslan H, Boczor S, Kuck KH, Ostermeyer J.
Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2008 Oct;56(7):386-90. Epub 2008 Sep 22.

Transesophageal Echocardiography: A Follow-up Tool after Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation and Interventional Therapy of Pulmonary Vein Stenosis and Occlusion
Schneider C, Ernst S, Malisius R, Bahlmann E, Lampe F, Broemel T, Krause K, Boczor S, Antz M, Kuck KH. 
J Interv Card Electrophysiol. 2007 Mar 18(2):195-205. Epub 2007 Apr 26

Design and Rationale for the Myocardial Stem Cell Administration after Acute
Myocardial Infarction (MYSTAR) Study:A Multicenter, Prospective, Randomized, Single-Blind Trial Comparing Early and Late Intracoronary or Combined (Percutaneous Intramyocardial andIntracoronary) Administration of Non-selected Autologous Bone Marrow Cells to Patients After Acute Myocardial Infarction
Nyolczas N, Gyöngyösi M, Beran G, Dettke M, Graf S, Sochor H, Christ G, Edes I, Balogh L, Krause KT, Jaquet K, Kuck KH, Benedek I, Hintea T, Kiss R, Préda I, Kotevski V, Pejkov H, Dudek D, Heba G, Sylven C, Charwat S, Jacob R, Maurer G, Lang I, Glogar D.
Am Heart J. 2007 Feb;153(2):212.e1-7 

Wissenschaftliche Vorträge, Auswahl

Klinischer Verlauf bei Patienten nach transkutaner edge-to-edge-Reparatur bei funktioneller atrialer Mitralklappeninsuffizienz
Krause K, Mousa S, Kaag N, Zarsteck S
DGK Herbst-Tagung 2024, Vortrag

Ultrasound-guided atrial transseptal puncture in pulmonary vein isolation procedures
Krause K, Mousa S, Kaag N, Zarsteck S
DGK Herbst-Tagung 2024, Vortrag

Clinical outcome in patients after transcatheter edge-to-edge repair in left atrial functional mitral regurgitation (aMR)
Krause K, Mousa S, Kaag N, Zarsteck S
PCR 2024, Paris, Poster

Ultrasound-guided venous femoral access in transcutaneous mitral edge-to-edge repair
Krause K, Mousa S, Kaag N, Zarsteck S
London valves 2023, Poster

Tricuspid edge-to-edge-repair 
after annuloplasty with cardioband (catheter-delivered annular reduction system)
Krause K, Mousa S, Kaag N, Zarsteck S
London valves 2023, Poster

Wearable defibrillator in newly diagnosed heart failure: reduced rate of ICD implantation after improvement of left ventricular ejection fraction
K. Krause, D. Stierle, A. Khan, H. Nägele
Clin Res Cardiol 106, Suppl 1, April 2017 V1745
DOI 10.1007/s00392-017-1105-2

Tricuspid regurgitation is a predictor of mortality after percutaneous mitral valve edge-to-edge repair
 E. Yzeiraj, K. Bijuklic, C. Tiburtius, J. Witt, K. Krause, J. Steude, L. Hansen, F.-C. Rieß, J. Schofer
Clin Res Cardiol 106, Suppl 1, April 2017 V212
DOI 10.1007/s00392-017-1105-2

Vascular Complications in Calcified Peripheral Vascular Disease after Transfemoral Aortic Valve Implantation
E. Yzeiraj, K. Bijuklic, J. Witt, K. Krause, L. Hansen, F.-C. Rieß, J. Schofer
Clin Res Cardiol 106, Suppl 1, April 2017 V119
DOI 10.1007/s00392-017-1105-2

Performance of balloon expandable vs. retrievable and repositionable aortic valves in severely calcified aortic valve complex
E. Yzeiraj, K. Bijuklic, J. Witt2, K. Krause, L. Hansen, F.-C. Rieß, J. Schofer
Clin Res Cardiol 105, Suppl 1, March 2016

A DW-MRI and MSCT-Study to assess predictors of cerebral embolism during transcatheter aortic valve implantation
K. Bijuklic, E. Yzeiraj, T. Haselbach, J. Witt, K. Krause, L. Hansen, F.-C. Rieß2, J. Schofer
Clin Res Cardiol 105, Suppl 1, March 2016

TCT-686 Impact of Aortic Valve Type on Cerebral Ischemic Lesions in DW-MRI after TAVR
Klaudija Bijuklic, Timo Haselbach,  Julian Witt, Korff Krause, Lorenz Hansen, Ralf Gehrkens , Friedrich-Christian Rieß,  Joachim Schofer
Oct 2015 · Journal of the American College of Cardiology

P1760 - Transfemoral Implantation of the Edwards SAPIEN 3 Aortic Valve without Predilation is Safe and Feasible in the Majority of Patients
 K. Bijuklic, J. Witt, K. Krause, L. Hansen, J. Schofer
Clin Res Cardiol 104, Suppl 1, April 2015

TCT-722 Transfemoral Implantation of the balloon-expandable Edwards SAPIEN 3 Aortic Valve without Predilation
Klaudija Bijuklic, Lorenz Hansen, Korff Krause, Julian Witt, Wulf Neckel, Friedrich-Christian Rieß , Joachim Schofer
Article · Sep 2014 · Journal of the American College of Cardiology

Increased Risk of Cerebral Embolization After Implantation of a Balloon-Expandable Aortic Valve Without Prior Balloon Valvuloplasty
Klaudija Bijuklic, Timo Haselbach, Julian Witt, Korff Krause, Lorenz Hansen, Ralf Gehrckens,  Friedrich-Christian Rieß,  Joachim Schofer
Article · Sep 2015 · JACC. Cardiovascular Interventions

Wall motion analysis in CRT non-responders
K. Krause, H. U. Klemm, K. Jaquet, K.-H. Kuck  
Cardiostim Congress 2014, poster presentation

Electromechanical Mapping in patients with ischaemic cardiomyopathy: analysis of CRT non-responders
K. Krause, H. U. Klemm, K. Jaquet, K.-H. Kuck  
Vortrag DGK 2013, Mannheim (V1185), Clin Res Cardiol

Elektrophysiologische Effekte nach intramyokardialer Injektion mononukleärer Knochenmarkzellen in der frühen Postinfarktphase
K. Krause, C. Schneider, K. Jaquet, J. von Wedel, K.-H. Kuck
Clin Res Cardiol 99, Suppl. 1, April 2010

Percutaneous intramyocardial injection of bone marrow cells in patients early after acute myocardial infarction: echocardiography analysis of strain rate imaging and speckle tracking
K. Krause, K. Jaquet, R. Malisius, C. Schneider,  K.-H. Kuck
European Journal of Heart Failure 2010, Supplements, Poster 359

Intramyocardial percutaneous stem cell injection guided by endocardial mapping in patients early after acute myocardial infarction
K. Krause, K. Jaquet, C. Schneider, B. Koektuerk, K.-H. Kuck 
European Heart Journal ( 2009 ) 30 ( Abstract Supplement ), 335 P2120 

Results of 12 month follow-up after percutaneous intramyocardial stem cell injection in patients with acute myocardial infarction. 
K. Krause, K. Jaquet, C. Schneider, R. Malisius, K.-H. Kuck 
Clin Res Cardiol 98, Suppl 1, April 2009, V842

Intramyocardial injection of mesenchymal stem cells do not increase local ventricular electrogram fragmentation and duration 
K. Krause, K. Jaquet, A. Sahli, C. Schneider, J. Alasser, K.-H. Kuck 
European Heart Journal ( 2008 ) 29 ( Abstract Supplement ), 364 P2210

Intramyocardial Injection od mesenchymal or bone marrow derived stem cells do not alter electrophysiological properties in the chronic ischaemic myocardium
K. Krause, K. Jaquet, C. Lange, C. Schneider, B. Koektuerk, K.-H. Kuck
Europace Suppl 1, Vol 10 2008 (218P_50)

Electrophysiological effects after intramyocardial injection of mesenchymal vs. mononuclear bone marrow derived stem cells in the chronic ischaemic myocardium
K. Krause, K. Jaquet, C. Lange, C. Schneider, B. Koektuerk, K.-H. Kuck
European Journal of Heart Failure Supplements, Volume 7, Supplement 1, June 2008, Page 113

Electromechanical assessment of percutaneous intramyocardial injection of mesenchymal vs. mononuclear bone-marrow dirived stem cells in the chronic ischemic myocardium
K. Krause , K. Jaquet, C. Schneider, S. Geidel., K.-H. Kuck
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Vol. 49, 234A, No. 9, Suppl. A (2007), 827-8

Klinik für Kardiologie

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Ihre Ansprechpersonen
 Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Korff Krause

Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Korff Krause (CV)


 Jennifer Schindowski

Jennifer Schindowski
